Eventually, I had to raise my hands and told my students that I had no familiarity at all to this bunch of youngsters. Finally they played the CD and all I could feel was that I was in frustration strunggling to enjoy all the beat and lyrics. All I remember was lines of meaningless words except the one I'm quite familiar with, so what gitu loh....so what gitu loh.....!! Tolooong.....!!
I came to the point that yes..generation divide, generation gap do exist. The term which in fact I would rather took it for granted a couple of years ago. I was quite sure that I still belong to today's young generation, which had actually been replaced by this generation, the Gen Y!
Wake up... you were born in the sixties! You have no right whatsoever to claim that you belong to this digital generation, you actually belong to the Gen X! Those lines really gave me a big bang! There is a significant difference between Gen Y and Gen X. Born between 1977 and 1994 ,Gen Y is first gen to grow up surrounded by digital media. Computers and other digital technologies are commonplace for them. They work with them at home, in school and they even use them for entertainment. They are so bathed in bits that they' re no more intimidated by digital technology than a VCR or a toaster. The term gatek is not really recognised by this gen which in fact is very common in the Gen X who was born between 1965 and 1976.
That's why I love teaching and lecturing all these young digitally drived students. I always feel renewed everytime I meet them. If it's not because of them, I would not be able to be exposed with the knowledge of digital products: talking about PDA, ipod, etc. I even asked for their recommendation for new digital product or a simple thing such as where I should fix my laptop, or even asking where to buy this so called 'gelang gaul' (the rubber band), since my son kept asking me to buy one.
Not like in the old days, when we still consider our lecturers as the all mighty and the most supreme ones, nowadays I would prefer consider it more as a mutual partnership relationsip. Today's new generation can not be treated the same way we were. They were much more critical, creative and undoubtedly smarter! I enjoy every moment interacting with them. I learned a lot from them! So....dont consider yourself low when you have to ask people from younger gen..nggak usah gengsi... and no need for 'jaim'. The only time I need to be a little bit jaim was only during the first session when I had to present my resume for a only a few secs. It spoke for itself, they would know who I am, my experience and expertise. The rest, you dont have much choice but play their game: being critical, openminded, curious, yet humorous and full of laughters!!
*dedicated to my IUP marketing class of 2007- it's been a nice and exciting term guys!! All the best to each and everyone of you. So what gitu loh......!!!